Ayisha and Elena met in January 2019 in Barcelona thanks to a social business acceleration program.
One day while having lunch, Ayisha explained to Elena the hardness of menstruating every month in rural Ghana. Elena gave her a menstrual cup and a month later she received a call from Ayisha.
I have tried the menstrual cup and it is amazing. This will change the lives of millions of women! We have to bring it to Ghana! A few months later Elena moved to Ghana and the rest is history.

35 years old, was born and lives in a rural community near Tamale. She has 4 children. Despite the muslim social pressure she divorced her first husband to fight for her right to work and be independent. Today she is a local leader and a successful business woman impacting the lives of +700 women in the shea butter industry. Ayisha is re-defining what women empowerment means and setting up a new role-model example for young girls.

28 years old, was born in Barcelona and has lived in the US, Europe and Africa. She has worked in development at the policy level (European Union and African Union), through the private sector (consulting and microfinance) and for social businesses. Guided by her sense of purpose, she is committed to lift others. She advocates for gender equality and mental health.